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Recent content by RodmanB


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  1. R

    Slow opening

    If your 2Tb HDD is full you're probably having swap problems. Remember your 32Gb move is stored all over that 2Tb. So, it is having to search the entire 2Tb to retrieve the movie 1. Have you cleaned the drive with Windows drive cleaner? if not, clean the drive 2. Have you defraged the drive? If...
  2. R

    Problem after installing Win10

    You might try booting into the BIOS and changing the boot drive to the one you installed the Win10.
  3. R

    How much do Windows 10 cost?

    Go to promokeys . net
  4. R

    AutoKMS removal

    Just go to promokeys . net, spend 18 bucks for a real license and get rid of KMS completely as recommended by Linus75. Unless you set your AntiVirus software exceptions to KMS and it's associated files, the AV will removed it. Software is not a liquid and cannot evaporated.
  5. R

    Alexa had a Nervous Breakdown?

    The old say goes "If you want any thing done , and done right, do it your self.
  6. R

    Windows 10 November screwup

    I've dealt with Windows since 3.1. I learned early to never upgrade as soon as it comes out. I have always been at least one version behind the current version. I don't even do updates till a few weeks have passed and the bugs are known. Back in the day there was an update every week. So to me...
  7. R

    Strategy for recovering as much data as possible in Win10

    Here's what I do. I use Acronis True Image 2020 but there are others, Macrium is another good one. There are free versions but usually free versions don't allow for scheduling. I have a multiple schedules. Because I have multiple drives. My C:/ is for nothing but OS and software installs. My D:/...
  8. R

    Windows Toolkit/KMSpico help!

    I used KMSpico to activate Windows 7 Pro. Then did the upgrade to windows 10 Pro. Windows 7 being activated gets you an activated Windows 10 Pro. After the upgrade you can do a clean install and it will automatically activate from Microsoft. Just skip the key entry.