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Seagate Drives Have a Terrible Track Record These Days


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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
I keep reading about Seagate drive problems in forums and customer remarks about the quality of Seagate products. I understand things change, take WD for example. At one time I thought their drives were great. Windows 2000 and the WD 80GB black drive were the gold standard at one time. Then the tsunami hit Thailand and wiped all of WD's manufacturing into the sea. WD was then forced to use subcontractors who had little concern to produce a quality product and WD's product went down the drain. Over a period of time they were able to build new plants and train skilled production people. I wouldn't hesitate buying WD currently.
The current majority likes Hitachi drives which is ironic in my mind. Back in the day Hitachi was considered a "B" brand and they made their money private labeling their product for IBM's PC division. IBM used the trade name IBM Deskstar for these drives. Personally I wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole. I believe it was the 80GB model that earned the title IBM Deathstar due to their abnormal amounts of complete drive failure. Funny how things change. I suspect Seagate was taken over by a capital investment group hell bent on wringing every dollar they can out of the name. Will Seagate be back, who know? And please don't take my word for it, check the reviews. One more thing to keep in mind. With SSD quickly taking over the "C" drive spot, spinners are taking on more of a role of archival rather than workhorses, they don't need to have their flash memory recharged from time to time to keep things tidy.