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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
Gone are the days of DDoS attacks and even encrypting fies for ransom. Cryptocurrency has been penetrated by law enforcement, it was a matter of time.
The real bucks are made stealing personal info, credit card info and info that can be used to create credit. I was a victim last year to the tune of $2,000+ USD. What screwed the criminal, this was a credit card I had used once, I saved it for on-line use. It went through a processor that is what the ocen does on the beach. I already wrote it up on line and their lawyers came after me but I had documented the entire transaction and sent it to the site where I posted the review and their lawyers backed off.
I got a couple of small packages with a small bottle of worthless pills shipped from two paces. I filed a report with the local, state and federal authorities and my CC security went after them as well. It wasn't easy but since it was so easy to do a controlled shut off the card and lay in wait for more charges were attempted. AFAIK they busted the SOB.
Point is, use PayPal, don't be joining a ton of sites, your info can be lifted quite easily, right haccx? I couldn't help notice all those email addys you added to some of your releases.
So forget DDoS, script kiddies and all the fun and games of the past. The money is made selling and using your info, so be careful where you share your info. Never forget Russian citizens are immune from prosecution of almost all Internet crime. Russia has no reciprocity agreements with other countries.
Point is, use PayPal, don't be joining a ton of sites, your info can be lifted quite easily, right hacxx? I couldn't help notice all those email addys you added to some of your releases.

Yes, use PayPal or any payment processor that protects your id. Never use your credit card online or create a virtual one for one time purchase like privacy.com. Only use reputable stores or sellers.