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iPads, and Samsung Tablets


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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
I have a fairly new iPad and a couple of Samsung Tablets. To be honest my good old Tab 2 T813 is one of my favorite devices. The folks at XDA provided me with the tools and knowledge to up the tablet to Android 10, Legend branch and it's awesome. Still has plenty of power, runs everything I download or from Google Play. I have a $18 replacement battery for it but I am not sure it needs it yet. For a piece headed to the grave I love the thing and the price was right. I guess the camera isn't the greatest but it runs zoom and Duo flawlessly. The other Samsung piece is a Tab A, I haven't touched the O/S yet but it still works fine. Both tablets are fun to use.

These two have a far better personality than the iPad. The iPad is what it is, boring. Don't get me wrong, my GF has a current model iPad and really likes it. She works on a Windows laptop for her job all day so maybe that's why she likes Apples so much. She loves the MacBook Air I gave her, it's her go to system although it won't work with her aging HP printer/fax. I suspect the fact her daughter in law being an ex-Apple genius influences her as well.

I have begun a trial moving from a work provided Moto G7 and an iPhone to Samsung phones. Samsung phones come off as kind of quirky so far but they do work well so we shall see. The Moto is a rugged workhorse and nothing more.

Finally I have a Windows 10 based Acer tablet, what a joke. It's not worth beans unless you pair a bluetooth keyboard to it (another junk pile rescue, didn't find the keyboard attachment). Once again if you give Win 11 a good hard look it's like M/S is trying to make Windows tablet friendly again, good luck. Haven't tried loading Win 11 on the Acer tablet yet,
I should have added the good old Microsoft Surface, the tablet that isn't a tablet. Now it's being sold with an integrated mouse /tablet. The Surface is a train wreck. Both Thumper and I have had the misfortune of trying to repair one. You can't. Really. You can't get the darn thing open without wrecking it. Out of warranty repairs consist of you basically paying wholesale for a new system and sending the old one back.
Satya is still trying to connect the Surface to the vanity user market, up to $2,100 USD for a loaded top of the line model. I haven't seen anyone flashing one around. Meanwhile they are dumping the older models at last year's tablet prices yet I don't think they are moving either.
The dirty little secret is some of the Surfaces being sold as new can't be upgraded to Win 11 for lack of resources. There's going be some pissed Surface owners I reckon.
Why does Microsoft continue to humiliate themselves trying to enter the hardware market? Greed?
Apple is and always will be the way ahead when it comes to tablets. Nothing seems to even come close to the latest pro iPads. However, you have to pay a hefty price for that. So it depends on the user to user.