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Windows 10 Pro 1903


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Nov 5, 2018
Well folks, it's been released. I downloaded the 64 bit Win 10 ISO from Microsoft earlier today, just installed it on this system and it's 1903.
I hope the fun and games don't start, but it appears to be stable. I am on a Dell desktop right now and reloaded the Dell Win 10 drivers that replaced the Microsoft-supplied drivers (Chipset and Intel HD video). i hung on to Win 7 with this system, all others I use have Win 10 1809. It's fast and I installed the big 3 browsers with no problems.
I'd say go ahead and do it if you are so inclined. I have no benchmark with Win 10 on this system but it seems as fast or faster than with Win 7 (well it is a fresh install, check back in 30 days :)).
Just thought you might be interested since this must be an official release and I haven't heard anything about it yet.
Well folks, it's been released. I downloaded the 64 bit Win 10 ISO from Microsoft earlier today, just installed it on this system and it's 1903.
I hope the fun and games don't start, but it appears to be stable. I am on a Dell desktop right now and reloaded the Dell Win 10 drivers that replaced the Microsoft-supplied drivers (Chipset and Intel HD video). i hung on to Win 7 with this system, all others I use have Win 10 1809. It's fast and I installed the big 3 browsers with no problems.
I'd say go ahead and do it if you are so inclined. I have no benchmark with Win 10 on this system but it seems as fast or faster than with Win 7 (well it is a fresh install, check back in 30 days :)).
Just thought you might be interested since this must be an official release and I haven't heard anything about it yet.

Thank you your post ;)
Well I knew it. 1903 completely hoses .NET framework, all versions. I am trying to get to the bottom of this, but it seems to be a common problem. Good ol' Microsoft releasing a version that had this known common problem reported by the insiders since April. I have had to go to pretty extreme measures to try and get .NET functional. I'll update my progress.

Using the DISM function has seemed to fix things.
Type "cmd" into the search box
Run as administrator
Carefully copy and paste this ENTIRE script after the > in the CMD box you have opened.

DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /All /NoRestart /FeatureName:Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-OC-Package /FeatureName:Microsoft-Windows-NetFx4-US-OC-Package /FeatureName:Microsoft-Windows-Client-EmbeddedExp-Package /FeatureName:Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-WCF-OC-Package /FeatureName:Microsoft-Windows-NetFx4-WCF-US-OC-Package

Hit return and wait a short bit. Things should be OK now.

If you don't mind messing around with Windows, go ahead and try. No warranty expressed or implied. Back your stuff up you may lose it otherwise. This isn't child's play.
I suspect there will be a fix coming next week. (The US holiday prevents update Tuesday this week)
Otherwise just reinstall trusty old v. 1809 or do a rollback if you updated and wait until MS sorts this problem out in v.1903.

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Windows 10 is SO much faster than ANY previous Windows.

It's great. Thank you for spreading the good word!
Check this out:
The Windows 10 May 2019 Update is on its way. We're offering this update to compatible devices, but your device isn't quite ready for it. Once your device is ready, you'll see the update available on this page. There's nothing you need to do at this time.

This is displayed by my workplace laptop. Granted I beat the heck out of it. It's a Dell I 7 XPS something or other. I have another Dell I 7 Precision laptop sitting underneath it waiting for the XPS to die. However this has my curiosity. I know there's some sort of problem with the Nvida graphics on the XPS with Win 10 and the system crashes once in a while for some memory/driver conflict. I tried to debug it but honestly it's not worth the effort. After I retire this rig I may try a fresh install of Windows 10 1903 on here and see if that works. Let you know.
Check this out:
The Windows 10 May 2019 Update is on its way. We're offering this update to compatible devices, but your device isn't quite ready for it. Once your device is ready, you'll see the update available on this page. There's nothing you need to do at this time.

This is displayed by my workplace laptop. Granted I beat the heck out of it. It's a Dell I 7 XPS something or other. I have another Dell I 7 Precision laptop sitting underneath it waiting for the XPS to die. However this has my curiosity. I know there's some sort of problem with the Nvida graphics on the XPS with Win 10 and the system crashes once in a while for some memory/driver conflict. I tried to debug it but honestly it's not worth the effort. After I retire this rig I may try a fresh install of Windows 10 1903 on here and see if that works. Let you know.
That's it. The laptop is a Dell XPS l702X. You would think MS would give you a clue what's happening other than this vague statement that your system has a problem (or is it 1903 :oops: ).

Like I said I am not losing any sleep over it. The only thing I have outside of OEM is an Edge 256GB SSD boot drive and a WD 500GB work drive on this system. Windows 7 was native to this system when built. Go figure. I think it is the Nvida secondary graphics. Evidently it tries to kick in under various conditions and that triggers the BSOD. Disabling it in the device manager does no good.
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I'm about to install this on a 2gb ram, 1.7ghz netbook to see how it compares to 7.
2GB is going to hurt. You might have a problem with the graphics driver, you'll see. I am sending all my new and refurbs out with 8GB RAM these days. I hope either you have a decent hard drive or are installing 1903 because those updates are more like service packs and really eat up HD space. You might see alot of spooling to your pagefile but if speed's not a huge issue (it is a netbook after all) it should install just fine.
Good luck! See you on the other side hopefully.
2GB is going to hurt. You might have a problem with the graphics driver, you'll see. I am sending all my new and refurbs out with 8GB RAM these days. I hope either you have a decent hard drive or are installing 1903 because those updates are more like service packs and really eat up HD space. You might see alot of spooling to your pagefile but if speed's not a huge issue (it is a netbook after all) it should install just fine.
Good luck! See you on the other side hopefully.
Well said ......it should be 6 gb minimum without a doubt and actually some machines don't have the video display to even run Windows 10 so does everyone else be careful with the older machines
It's not actually too bad.. but yeah. Next attempt is in a U600 notebook but with a SSD in an SSD caddy replacing the DVD drive with the two 240gb drives in raid 0, this one has 4gb and is running fine with no raid setup.

Not sure if bios will support or not. Got the caddy, 29th I'll have the drives.

A lot of messing about but i also get to upgrade my desktop with a larger SSD and use it's 120gb for the netbook.

And if raid 0 won't work in notebook (I have to see). It will in desktop. Win win win...

Backup of all important data is in progress.. everything is getting a new drive and/or OS this week.

I'll FB live the U600 when it's finished.......... OBS seems pretty light on gaming rig? Am i being an idiot?

PS: should also be able reclaim by selling left over HDDs and RAM, is 4 machines getting upgraded/messed with here but one for possible scrap/parts. We will see but those two net/notebooks fully upgraded won't of cost much in the end once I've sold all spare parts etc.... I cant be bothered to work it out but £35-60 maybe. Just a fun hobby. I've drunk cider.

PPS: I also have the build on my gaming rig and haven't been this happy with Windows since the first 7 leaks..
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