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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
Like it or not Windows 10 EOL is coming. Joe or Jane user is going to start pissing and moaning when 11 is finaly forced on them. Moving folks from 7 to 10 wasn't exactly a picnic. The main problem with 11 is ot first look it appears that the user has lost many features, getting them to adopt the new navigation via icons instead of words and things aren't where they are normally found. There are also changes to their near and dear Windows resident programs that have changed or disappeared. Let's be honest, I know of no businesses that made the move yet, partially the great expense of replacing existing systems that are currently adequite for most applications with systems that meet to the user's needs, with system upgrades that are transparent to users. Software incompatibilities are still a mystery. Most Windows 11 users are advanced users like our members who have advanced software packages installed by skilled users.
Well we shall see. It's a shame my new position gets me out of the line of fire with the average end user, yeah right!